August is Family Fun Month!

August is a month jam-packed with back-to-school activities and it is important to take every opportunity possible to spend time with grandchildren before they get busy with homework, sports, and after-school activities.So this August, make sure you celebrate Family Fun Month! This is a great time to bond with our families, enjoy that last bit of warm weather and make those memories that last. As grandparents, there are many activities we can do with the whole family that everyone will enjoy, at any age.This Family Fun Month, try some of these activity ideas that are suited for family members of all ages:

  • Have a backyard picnic—make the food yourself or order some family favorites like pizza or sandwiches
  • Take the family bowling—younger kids can use bumpers if they need to
  • Host a family movie night—pop some popcorn and show some home movies or family classics
  • Have a board or card game night—bring out some classics like Clue, Monopoly, or even Go-Fish
  • Family recipe cooking class—teach children and grandchildren some family-favorite recipes, and then enjoy your treats around the table together
  • Family trivia night—form teams and learn some family history. Winners get ice cream cones!

These are just a few ideas about how we can celebrate the last bit of summer during this August’s Family Fun Month. Of course, any time spent with children and grandchildren is special, but we can come up with some great activity ideas this August to make it even more fun for the whole family!Of course, staying healthy comes first. So, make sure to head inside if it’s an especially hot day, apply sunscreen if spending an extended period of time outside, and drink plenty of water if you are being active. As seniors, we are a valuable part of our families, and have the life experience to share ideas with younger family members for fun and unique activities.Show us how you spend time with your families during Family Fun Month by sharing your activity ideas on our Facebook and Twitter. We can’t wait to see what fun you have in store!


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