Getting Ready for Healthy Aging Month

As summer comes to an end, it is time for us to begin preparing for fall. Fall can bring fun family celebrations, sporting events, and back-to-school excitement, but it can also bring chilly weather, causing aging adults to be less active. Fortunately, September is Healthy Aging Month, which was created to remind us that it is never too late to start getting healthier through small lifestyle changes.Specifically, Healthy Aging Month focuses on our ability as seniors to “re-invent” ourselves. It is an opportunity to discover a new interest, involve yourself in a new club or activity, meet new friends, or even embark on another career path. Keeping ourselves actively involved in our communities can actually benefit not only our physical health, but also our mental health. By joining a group activity at your local place of worship, community center, or senior center, you can make new friends and stay active.Looking for activity ideas? One of the challenges that faces seniors the most is a decline in our memory and mental sharpness. Harvard Medical School has studied ways to keep our brains in shape throughout our lifetimes, and recommends such things as continued learning, using all your senses, remaining confident in your abilities, and prioritizing your brain use as ways to stay mentally sharp. Helping grandchildren with homework is a great way to exercise your mind too—it allows you to review basic skills while spending time with some of the people you love most.Of course, physical health is just as important as mental health. As the weather cools down, it may be tempting to spend more time indoors, and less time engaging in the physical activity that keeps us healthy. Consider walking on a treadmill, participating in indoor water aerobics, or attending a yoga class specifically geared toward seniors to remain active even as the temperature drops outside.Aging healthily can take work, but making sure to prioritize your mental and physical health during this September is not just important, but a necessity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle long term. So keep your minds and bodies active, stay warm, and enjoy Healthy Aging Month.


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