Shopping for Medicare Part D

I recently saw a news feature about the growing number of people who complete their holiday shopping by Halloween. Wow! One shopper explained that shopping early gave her time to enjoy the holiday season with her family and avoid the frustration and exhaustion that comes with last minute shopping.

As impressive as this story is, shopping season can have an even bigger impact for those of us on Medicare -- big savings on our medicines!

Every year we have the opportunity to keep or change the Part D plan that provides coverage for prescription drugs. Honestly, this may be the most important purchase of the year and far too few of us take time to shop around.

Does it matter?  ABSOLUTELY!  Here's why:  Each year plans are allowed to make changes in the coverage they will offer for the next year. Additionally, you may have had changes or additions to the medicines you take. Why not take a few minutes to review the plan you have now and compare it to what else is available in your area?

Some key questions to ask: Are all your medicines still covered by your current plan?  What are your total costs, both premiums and cost-sharing?  Can another plan offer you a better deal? You may find that your current plan is still working well for you, or you may discover that you can save real money by making a change. Either way, checking your coverage is the best way to make sure you are getting the most from your Medicare Part D plan.

Medicare open enrollment is happening now and continues through December 7.  To compare Part D plans offered in your state, you can use the Medicare Plan Finder. If you have any questions, you can always visit your local Area Agency on Aging or call Medicare all day, any day (except federal holidays) at 1-800-633-4227.

Don't miss out on this important shopping season!


Giving Thanks for Good Health


Medicare News: 2016 Part D and Medicare Advantage Premiums Remain Stable