Giving Thanks for Good Health

 Each year, the holiday season offers us time to reconnect with family, slow down and give thanks for all of the things we are grateful for in our lives. One thing I never take for granted as I get older is my health, and I know having access to affordable prescription drug coverage that keeps me healthy is key. That’s why this season I’m particularly grateful for my good health.The comprehensive and affordable drug coverage provided by Medicare Part D is one way I am able to stay healthy, and that is something we can all be thankful for. Here are three things for you and your family to consider this Thanksgiving when it comes to your Part D plan.

  • Any time beginning three months before the month of your 65th birthday, you can apply for Part D prescription drug benefits without any penalty.
  • From now until December 7, you are able to join or renew your Medicare plan. If you’re looking for help in comparing options, gives you the option to complete a general or personalized plan search.
  • For Veterans, Medicare Part D can be used as a supplement to your Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. Whether it be for medication pick up or filling a prescription from a provider outside of the VA system, Part D can make up for the areas where other benefits may lack.

With all of the hassles the year has brought, don’t forget to give thanks for the things that are here to make life easier. Visit for additional tips, advice and resources.


Seniors Speak Out Has Resources to Help During Open Enrollment


Shopping for Medicare Part D