National Immunization Month is Here!

Can you believe how fast summer has flown by? Although the summer festivities may be starting to wind down, the exciting news is that fall is right around the corner—along with cool weather, changing leaves, and the beginning of the holiday season!This time of year is when children go back to school and people wind down their vacations. This means that many people will be in close proximity, which unfortunately increases the chances of being exposed to individuals who may be harboring contagious illnesses. The good news, however, is that there is an easy way for us to protect ourselves as seniors—making sure our vaccinations are up to date!August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and a great time to revisit our overall health and ensure that we are utilizing the most effective tools possible to protect ourselves from potentially deadly diseases. Often, seniors may incorrectly assume that vaccination is only important for children and young adults, but this could not be further from the truth. In fact, some diseases, like Pneumococcal disease, are common and fairly benign in kids but present much more danger to older adults.The CDC even recommends specific vaccinations for seniors, including pertussis, tetanus, shingles, and the seasonal flu shot. There is a special tool, which you can find here, that allows you to take a quiz and see which vaccinations are recommended for you. It is also critical to speak with your doctor about your vaccination history to make sure you are being properly protected. Most necessary vaccines are covered under Medicare Part B and Part D, enabling us all to have access to these potentially life-saving treatments.As seniors, one of the easiest ways for us to protect the health of our friends, families, and ourselves is through vaccination. Not only will making sure our vaccines are up to date help give us peace of mind as we enter the new season, but could also potentially save our lives. Getting your vaccines is a critical component of maintaining our health and wellbeing, so make sure you are educating yourself and taking the proper steps this August!


Greetings, my name is Thair Phillips and I’ll be your new host on “Seniors Speak Out”


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