Check Out the Results of the Latest Senior Satisfaction Survey!

It’s that time of year—the results of the Senior Satisfaction Survey from our partners over at Medicare Today are in! Since 2007, researchers have surveyed seniors to measure our level of satisfaction with our Medicare Part D plans in order to take a critical look at the program and ensure that our needs are being addressed.The purpose of the Senior Satisfaction Survey is to gauge the success of Medicare Part D, examine what aspects of the program are working, and take a look at what the program can be doing differently to achieve maximum success for American seniors. Each year, the survey has demonstrated that seniors are pleased with their Medicare Part D plans, including their coverage options and the prices they pay for their medications.This year, nearly nine in 10 seniors report being satisfied with their Medicare Part D coverage. Some other key findings include:

  • 93 percent of seniors say their prescription drug plans are convenient to use
  • 86 percent of seniors report that their Part D plans work well
  • 85 percent of seniors view their prescription drug plans as a good value that provide coverage at a fair price
  • 81 percent of seniors are happy with their ability to compare prescription drugs covered under Part D and choose what best works for them
  • 88 percent of seniors say that their Medicare Part D plans are delivering on their promises

 These results are exceptional and demonstrate just how happy seniors are with the current state of their Medicare Part D coverage. Although some changes are being proposed to the program by the Administration and Congressional leadership, it is critical that seniors continue to advocate for ourselves by urging lawmakers to protect the integrity of Medicare Part D. We must also continue to push policymakers to support improvements that will strengthen affordable access to medications.For more information and past survey results, please visit Medicare Today’s website at:, and share your thoughts with us on Twitter and Facebook today!


National Immunization Month is Here!


Tell Congress to Reject Cuts to Medicare Part D!