Voting – Does It Really Matter?

When I talk to people about voting, the number one reason I hear why someone isn’t planning on voting is the excuse, “My vote doesn’t matter.” My comeback to them is that while your one vote may not determine an election, the fact that you are a voter puts you in a powerful position. Let me explain.

I’m in a state where one party dominates at both the federal and state level. I won’t reveal which state, which race, or which party I’m talking about, although you can probably easily deduce that from my description. What I want you to focus on is how one voice may make a difference. Except for a few state districts, whoever wins the dominant party’s primary in my state will win the general election. I could decide that no matter which party I support, my vote isn’t going to make a difference. My goal here is to show that maybe you, as a voter, have more power than you think and that maybe you can have more influence than you think. This is true not only regarding the outcome but also regarding issues that you feel strongly about.

We have two members of the dominant party who are dominating in the polls as they run for a vacancy in the U.S. Senate. One is at the extreme of the party’s views, and the other is more moderate. During the party’s primaries, the more extreme candidate was nominated. The moderate candidate got on the ballot by collecting the required number of signatures. Right now, the moderate candidate is leading in the polls. What happened was those who made the effort to become delegates were able to elect a candidate that it appears does not represent the party’s majority. The voters who were willing to get involved had a big impact on who got nominated. The moral of the story is that by becoming a delegate in your party’s nomination process, you have the chance to vote for a candidate that reflects your ideals and goals.

In choosing state lawmakers, your status as a voter carries even more weight. The state district elections are often won by a few hundred votes, so your work in talking with your friends and convincing them to vote for your candidate can have a big impact. It does require you to do your homework and have facts to back up your reason for supporting your candidate. You also have a bigger impact on those lawmakers who have the power over your state’s laws. Case in point.

My state is one of only eight that taxes social security benefits. I think this is wrong, so I wrote the following email to the state house candidate for my state district.

Myself and many of my friends are interested in whether you are committed to stop Utah from taxing SS benefits. Only 8 other states tax SS benefits and I and my friends think it is wrong. You will have our vote if you commit to making this a priority if you get elected. We are all constituents.

Best, Thair Phillips

The answer came back very quickly.

Hello Thair,

Thank you for your email. I have often wondered myself why Utah imposes a tax burden on Social Security benefits especially when other states have reduced or eliminated this tax. When I have been out canvassing, this issue has come up numerous times. I can assure you that this is an issue that I will work on as I want to have a complete understanding of this important topic and this is something that is of great interest to me and many others. I know many people, including myself, aren't in favor of this and I'd like to explore this topic further as to why we continue to do this in our state.

Thanks for your excellent question and I am definitely committed to work on this important issue.

Kind Regards,

This issue has been brought up in past Utah legislative sessions, and I feel like there is a good chance that, if she gets elected, she will work on getting this bill pushed through the state legislature.

I hope that you can see ways that you can have an impact on those who represent us at both the state and the federal levels. It just takes getting involved. I can assure you that if you do the research on the issues and get to know those who represent you, you can be an influencer to your friends and you can have an important impact.

I ask you periodically to contact your lawmakers on different issues, and I always encourage you to vote. While some of your primaries are over, there are still the general elections to be held this November and upcoming debates that will help you as you decide who has earned your vote. We at Seniors Speak Out want to help you as you consider who to vote for in this general election season. We’ve included a web page that will give you information and important links to voting information including information on your particular state’s rules and key dates. It will help you register or check on your registration and give you other helpful details.

I appreciate your willingness to be an advocate for older Americans. This is an important time in our nation’s history, and your vote really does matter.

Best, Thair


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