Upcoming Webinar/Tele Town Hall

Latest Survey Results, Medicare Part D, Prescription Drug Program
This Wednesday, September 16th, at 4:00 p.m. ET, Medicare Today’s Seniors Speak Out will conduct another webinar town hall. This virtual town hall will discuss the results of our yearly survey on Part D, the Medicare prescription drug program. We have always thought it was important, through a survey each year, to take the pulse of seniors concerning their feelings about Part D, a program that continues to have a huge impact on the wellbeing of older Americans.

Those of us that were around in 2002 and 2003, when this new program was hotly debated, remember the doubters who predicted that the new program wouldn’t offer enough choices in rural areas and that the costs would balloon out of control. Today, in one of our most rural of states, Montana, there are 17 different plans to choose from. As for the cost, Part D is the only government program, that I know of, that not only came in under its initial estimate but 30% below that estimate.

There have been, over the years, changes to Part D, some good and some bad, but it remains a success in improving the health and well being of seniors. There continues to be proposed changes . . . we have worked hard to keep you informed about the impact on you of these proposed changes. We also know that we need to continually let you speak out, through seminars, surveys, tele town halls, etc. so we can monitor your feelings about Part D. We don’t want to become complacent in safeguarding this life saving and life changing program.

Our tele town hall this Wednesday, September 16th, will discuss our latest Part D survey. We’ll cover the results, especially as they relate to the current crazy times we are living in. It will also give you a chance to ask questions about the survey and the program itself. It will give you a chance to speak out and tell us how you feel about how Part D is working for you.

I will be one of the presenters at the tele town hall along with Jennifer MacDonald, a Director at Morning Consult, a data intelligence company. It will start at 4:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. We hope you can attend. You can register by clicking the link below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on joining the webinar.

Don’t miss out on this chance to speak out about this important prescription drug program.

Best, Thair


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This month is Healthy Aging Month