The Perfect Summer Checklist

sea-nature-sunny-summerIf you are like many people, summer is your favorite time of the year. Gardening, golfing, playing outdoor tennis, swimming at the beach, or just enjoying the extra hours of daylight are what we've been waiting to do all winter long.But even though summer is the perfect season for so many wonderful activities, remember to take a few extra minutes to get yourself ready to enjoy them safely and comfortably.Summer checklist:Sunscreen: Of course, we need to wear it all year round but the greater intensity of summer sun and heat means we need to reapply sunscreen frequently while we are out. Even "all day" products don't always protect you the entire time you are outdoors, especially if you are in the water or working up a healthy sweat.One great tip is to keep sunscreen in a convenient place in your car where it's handy and visible. Then it's at-the-ready when the sun is beaming down through the window or in case you've forgotten to apply before you left home.Remember that some medicines can make your skin more sensitive to light. Check with your pharmacy or provider's office if you have questions about anything you take.Hydration: I know, I know... we hear this over and over but it bears repeating. Keep water with you every time you exercise or engage in an outdoor activity, even if it's only a short walk.And like the sunscreen, keep a few bottles of water in your car—you never know when summer beach traffic, a car problem, or some other event may intervene.Insect Repellent: You name it, summer has them whether they are flying, crawling, or dropping down from trees.Outdoor activities in the late afternoon and evening, of course, make you a prime target for mosquitoes.  But they are by no means the only problem. Gardeners and hikers should especially take note that the tick population in several states is at an all-time high this year. Be sure to check yourself when you come in, especially if you live in a high infestation area.There are good repellent sprays and surprisingly good (though a bit pricey) repellent clothing—though not all of the garments work for every activity or sport.Grandkids: One of life's greatest joys is doing almost any activity with grands and summer gives us so many more opportunities!  Don't forget to check that your sunscreen and first aid supplies are kid-friendly and that your car has an extra supply of drinks.


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