Thank you to our Veterans!

Today, we at Seniors Speak Out join with the rest of our country to honor our nation’s veterans. Veterans Day is a special time to recognize the men and women who have served our nation bravely in the armed forces. We would also like to extend a special greeting to those veterans who are also seniors! We hope that you find Seniors Speak Out a useful resource for you and your family and we are honored that you visit our website.According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, almost 50 percent of our nation’s 21.8 million veterans are over age 65.  Seniors Speak Out’s website is filled with useful information for our senior veterans.  We hope you will use the information on our site and share your thoughts, questions and concerns with us on a regular basis.Whether you live in a major city or small town, if you are a veteran, we hope that the observance of this day brings you many expressions of the gratitude and respect that is in the hearts of your family, friends and neighbors. Seniors Speak Out would like to encourage all our readers and followers to celebrate this day. Please make sure to reflect on the service of our brave men and women in uniform and thank a veteran for their service.If you (or someone you know) are a veteran, share your story of service in the comments section below. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard—we salute you!


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