Thank You Mothers!

With a federal proclamation on May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made a formal recognition of something people have known for centuries: that our mothers deserve “love and reverence” for all they do each and every moment.From the very first steps we take, our moms are with us, offering words of comfort, support, love, and compassion. They’re our biggest fans and our best advocates, and help us to reach new heights. Even great presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln recognized they owed all their success to their mothers’ love and support.So this Mother’s Day, be sure to give the moms in your life all the recognition they deserve. You can surprise her by taking her out to her favorite restaurant or preparing a picnic. If she loves baseball, you could spend the day at the ballpark. You could take her to that movie she’s been asking to see, or maybe stay home and play her favorite games.Whatever you choose to do, spend the day doing what she likes best. Buy her favorite flowers, write a heartfelt card, and above all, make sure Mom knows how important she is to all of you! More often than not, moms want nothing more than to spend time with their families, so be sure to set aside the distractions and turn off the TV, silence your cell phones, and give her all your attention this weekend.I want to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to all our readers who are fellow mothers and grandmothers. The love you share and the work you do every day is invaluable, and the world is a much better place for it.How are you spending Mother’s Day? Be sure to let us know on Facebook and Twitter!


Call on Congress to Fix the Medicare Part D Cliff!


How well do you really know Medicare’s key terms?