Thank You Fathers & Grandfathers!

With Father’s Day just around the corner, we all must take the time to show our appreciation for the roles our fathers and grandfathers have played in our lives.They can be a strong and dependable foundation on which we can ground ourselves. They are always there to be a shoulder to cry on, often serving as one of our greatest role models, and rarely do they ever expect thanks for what they do.That’s exactly why this Sunday you should not only thank the father figures in your life but also take a moment to spend quality time with your family. So take the time to do some of Dad’s favorite activities, whether it’s golfing, enjoying a family barbecue, going to the ballpark, or going out for a day of fishing.Whatever you choose to do this Father’s Day, be sure to show Dad your appreciation, doing whatever it is they love most.To all of our readers who are fathers or grandfathers, thank you for everything you do. Remember that your hard work and endless support are deeply appreciated every moment and every day.What will you be doing this Father’s Day? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.


June is Cataract Awareness Month!


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