Tele town hall

I want to thank everyone who joined our Seniors Speak Outtele town hall yesterday. We discussed the impact on senior’s healthcare thatthe COVID-19 pandemic has had, and could have, in the future. We also discussedwhat might happen with healthcare issues and legislation in this election year.I appreciated the questions, both written and expressed during the tele townhall. In response to one of the questions I am including the link to the IRS’Get My Payment web site where you can check on the status of your stimuluscheck. Just click hereto get to the site.

We also announced the broadening outreach of the new SeniorsSpeak Out. The use of polls and surveys, of webinars and tele town halls, and,when appropriate, visits to expos, seminars and anywhere mature Americansgather. Our goal is to find out how seniors truly feel about their healthcareand what their stance is on the issues that affect their lives. We are lookingforward to this journey as we face this trying but important year.

Our first poll is ready on our web site – just click hereto take the poll and participate in this process of speaking out.

I look forward to working with you as we seek to speak outand be heard.



What Healthcare Issues Do You Care About Most During COVID-19?


The COVID-19 Virus – Our Government’s Response