Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The holidays are a wonderful time of year to visit with family and celebrate our many blessings, but with traveling, parties, and cold weather, it can also be a time when many let their healthy lifestyles fall by the wayside. This holiday season, commit to your healthy lifestyle by remembering the following tips:Stay HealthysnowMake sure to make healthy choices, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day to prepare for an evening of fun or eating a meal before an event so you are full and not tempted by unhealthy snacks.Stay ActiveWith holiday travels or holiday guests, taking time to exercise can become your last priority—but, it is more important now than ever. Consider taking a family walk around the neighborhood or a walking tour of your local holiday lights. If it’s too cold, consider walking a few extra laps at the mall when shopping for those last minute gifts! A little bit of exercise can go a long way.Stay HydratedDrinking water is always important. Eight glasses a day is recommended so think about taking a water bottle with you while you shop for gifts or visit friends.Stay RestedThe holidays can be a stressful time with guests, shopping, events, and much more. Make sure to rest and relax when you get a chance. Don’t wear yourself out before you get a chance to enjoy time with your family. Remember you can always ask for help!Stay WellUnfortunately, the holiday season coincides with cold and flu season. Keep yourself well by getting the necessary vaccines and visiting your doctor at the first sign of illness. During the holidays, it’s easy to ignore symptoms and put off going to the doctor, but remember, early detection is key!Stay InvolvedSpending time with family and friends is the most important part of the holiday season. By staying healthy, active, hydrated, rested, and well this holiday season, you will be able to stay involved in all of the festivities.Seniors Speak Out wishes you and yours a happy holiday filled with health and happiness!  


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