Something You Might Have Missed Concerning the Coronavirus

A few days ago, I received information from, a website created by the part of our government that oversees Medicare, concerning the Coronavirus.  It offered the following guidelines to help us as we combat this serious health risk:

To preventthe spread of this illness or other illnesses, including the flu:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water,
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough orsneeze,
  • Stay home when you’re sick, and
  • See your doctor if you think you’re ill.

Goodinformation but I think they missed something that is key in this battle . . .ensuring each of us have ample medication or required medical supplies to lastthrough a 14-day quarantine period or weeks longer if required.

Many ofus take daily medicine or require medical supplies that enable us to livenormal lives and, in some cases, keeps us alive.  If we are quarantinedbecause we contract the virus or to keep us from coming in contact with someonewho has, we quite possibly won’t have the chance to renew our prescription orobtain enough medical supplies to last through the quarantine period or weekslonger if required.  Now is the time to think about this possibility andtake the needed steps to be prepared.

Determinewhat medicine and medical supplies you may need and contact your doctor orpharmacist as well your medical supplies company to obtain the medicine andsupplies you need to make it through at least a quarantine period and even afew weeks longer.  If you are a caregiver take the needed steps to protectthose you care for.

These arestrange times and we need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones by beingprepared.


The COVID-19 Virus – Our Government’s Response


A Chance to be Heard