Results Are In! Seniors Like Part D’s Coverage, Choice, & Value

9 in 10 seniors satisfied with Part D

Maintaining good health is of critical importance to everyone, but especially seniors. However, the steps you take to maintain your health is as unique and individualized as each and every one of us. That’s why having a choice of easy and affordable prescription drug coverage is critical to maintaining an active and happy life.  According to new survey results, seniors agree that our Medicare Part D coverage does just that.

This year’s Medicare Today Senior Satisfaction Survey found that nearly 9 in 10 seniors are satisfied with Part D. Not only that but 94 percent of seniors think that their plan is convenient to use, 91 percent report that they understand how to use their plans, and 90 percent agree that their plan works well. Further, 7 in 10 seniors also reported it is important to them to have a variety of Part D drug plans from which to choose.

It is no secret that Part D has changed the lives of millions of older and disabled Americans. Access to care gives us peace of mind, enables us to remain active, and helps us restore and maintain our health. And most importantly, Part D does so without breaking the bank. The survey found that 85 percent of seniors think their prescription coverage is a good value and over 80 percent of seniors polled in the survey also agreed that Part D related costs – copays, monthly premiums, and total out-of-pocket costs –  are both affordable and reasonable. That’s pretty groundbreaking for a government-run health program.

Interestingly though, despite the program’s evident success, some still want to make harmful changes to Part D. My question to that is: why change a program that consistently merits high satisfaction from seniors?

Changes could limit choices and raise costs, which would ultimately undermine the success of the program. Attempts to weaken or disrupt Part D’s competitive structure would not serve the best interests of seniors and disabled Americans, so if necessary, we must stand ready to defend our benefits by speaking out to our leaders and by voting in elections. Who better than seniors like us that benefit from Part D to vouch for its success?

If you’re like me, you’ve long known that Part D truly works and keeps seniors happy. If you needed a bit more convincing, it’s hard to argue with the opinions of nearly 9 in 10 seniors who are satisfied with the program. Be sure to join us on Facebook to let us know that you agree and share stories about the difference Part D has made in your life.


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