National Immunization Month

Fall is right around the corner, which means many kids are headed back to school. For me, the end of summer invokes memories of fresh school supplies, a new sweater or two, and sometimes a trip to the doctor for dreaded shots. Though I’ve long-since graduated from school, this is a good time of year to remember that getting the appropriate vaccinations is important and not limited to children.This August, in honor of National Immunization Awareness Month, we’re sharing how important it is for seniors to take control of our own health by staying up to date on our vaccines. For those of us who have grandchildren, it is even more critical, as we don’t want to put our young loved ones at risk for an illness that could’ve been prevented by immunization.By remaining diligent about necessary vaccinations, we can work together to help prevent infectious diseases. Doing so should be easy since some of the most commonly needed vaccines are covered under Medicare Part B and Part D. As always, remember to consult your doctor if you have any questions about what is included in your coverage or what vaccine is appropriate for your needs. As a starting point, be sure to read on and check out our list of the CDC’s recommended vaccinations for seniors who are 65 years old and up.sso-immunizatio_23843580_c638d6fc132504df02bd97145f8e54dba8cc0f03


Happy National Grandparents Day!


The Results Are In: Seniors Are Satisfied with Medicare Part D Coverage!