Last Call for Open Enrollment!

As we enter the most wonderful time of the year, we may be focused primarily on spending time with family and friends, exchanging gifts, and indulging in decadent holiday treats. However, we cannot overlook the fact that it is another wonderful time of year, as well—Medicare open enrollment!The open enrollment period for new and existing Medicare beneficiaries to select or alter their plans runs from October 15th to December 7th. We have previously discussed the importance of taking a good look at your plan and making any necessary changes, and it’s not too late!For those of you turning 65, now is a great time to take a close look at your options and select a Medicare plan that matches your needs based on the medications you take and treatments you use. For those of you already enrolled, you may not know that you are able to alter your plan every year during open enrollment. So, whether your needs have changed, you have switched medications, or have been diagnosed with a new illness, open enrollment season is an important time for you to take a close look at your plan and make any necessary changes.Remember, you know your health best—so make sure you are taking charge of your treatment options by enrolling in a Medicare plan that best fits your goals, budget, and lifestyle. There are numerous tools that you can use to find information about different options, including information about plans based on where you live. Click here for an easy-to-use tool that can help you identify potential matches, and here to learn even more about just how important it is to utilize the open enrollment period.Time is ticking on your chance to make changes to your health care plans! We all know time flies when you are having fun, so make sure to take a quick look at your options during these last few days of Medicare open enrollment. The holidays will be here before we know it!


Have A Happy and Healthy Holiday!


November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month!