Keeping Part D Strong: Standing Against Harmful Changes

If you’re like me, your Part D coverage is a critically important part of your health plan and allows you to access the medications you need every month. It’s not something I take for granted, and I know you don’t either. Every time I go to the pharmacy, I’m thankful that I have coverage I can rely on and that helps me afford my medications.

For years, I have been advocating for policies that protect Part D and safeguard it against changes that might negatively impact the affordability of the prescription drug coverage that helps to keep them healthy.

Luckily, I’m not alone. In fact, recently almost 400 advocacy organizations wrote to Congress asking them to oppose changes to Medicare Part D that could cause an increase in premiums and cost-sharing for many seniors.

As comforting as it is to know so many dedicated lawmakers are fighting to protect our Part D coverage, we know that seniors and individuals with disabilities also have a powerful voice, and it’s critical that you use it. Get involved in the fight and make sure you are heard. The easiest way to stay updated is to join our Facebook page to keep up to date on breaking news and developments. And be sure to let us know what’s on your mind in the comments!!


Exploring Your Part D Coverage


Seniors Sound Off: Learn About Part D and Get Involved