June 13th, National Family Health and Fitness Day

Today is Family Health and Fitness Day and it’s a great time to refocus on the things that keeps us healthy. Since early March we have done nothing but try to keep from getting the coronavirus. We’ve stayed sequestered, we’ve worn masks, we’ve avoided some of the things that give us the most joy, like hugging and visiting with our grand kids. We’ve been extra careful because we know that we are in the most vulnerable age group, those of us that are over 65. This focus on avoiding the coronavirus may have caused us to quit doing the things that have helped us stay physically and mentally healthy, like going to a health club to exercise, going swimming, or walking without friends. The virus made doing these things unsafe and, even though many places in America are opening up, we should stay vigilant. We remain at risk and should remain careful.  There are, however, some things we can do that are safe but will improve our health and fitness.

 In past Family Health and Fitness Days, seniors were encouraged to walk with friends, attend a fitness class, go dancing, have a health screening with your doctor or volunteer. These were all great ways to get healthy and fit but what do we do now when we are trying to stay safe?

Here are some things that we can do that will keep us safe but will increase our health and keep us fit.

  • Going outside and walking is still safe, as long as you stay 6 feet away from everyone. The virus has a much less chance of reaching you when you’re outside. Keep a mask with you in case you meet someone that you want to stop and talk with.
  • Find a yoga or exercise class on-line and make it a part of your daily routine. There are even some exercise classes on the tv that you can tune into.
  • Team up with one of your friends and act as each other’s enforcer to ensure that you stay with your daily exercise routine. It helps you stay on your plan when you know you have to “report” to your friend on your progress.
  • You can still volunteer by calling someone who needs to hear your voice. Encourage someone who is down. Order a gift for someone online and have it delivered to their house as a surprise. Doing something for someone else helps us forget our own troubles.
  • Don’t forget to keep seeing the doctor as required. While this might not be the time for a wellness visit or for some elective procedures, it is important to see your doctor for new or long-term health problems. Your doctor has done everything possible to maintain a germ-free environment and will advise you if keeping an appointment is not necessary. Don’t hesitate to use the telephone or have virtual meetings with your healthcare provider. Medicare and other insurance companies have stated that they will cover telehealth appointments.

These are just a few ways to return our focus to our long-term health and fitness. It’s so uplifting to see things begin to open up. While we still need to be careful, we can be happy that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The scientists are working hard to find medicines that can lesson or stop the effects of the drug and develop a vaccine that will protect us in the future. In the meantime, stay safe, keep yourself healthy and fit and stay joyful.


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