Have You Checked Your Plan Recently?

We have recently discussed a number of different proposals that could alter seniors’ access to the medicines through the Medicare programs we rely on to stay healthy. It is critical that we, as seniors, are our own best advocates and that includes making sure we are up-to-speed on the provisions of our personal Medicare plans.Health insurance can be complicated, which is why we are here to provide guidance for seniors so we can make the best decisions for our personalized needs. As we have discussed, Medicare Parts A and B, the parts that cover hospital and medical insurance, are included in your Medicare coverage as soon as you turn 65 years old. However, Medicare Part D, which is an optional add-on service, covers many of the prescription medications that we rely on every day.Although Medicare Part D is optional, an overwhelming majority of seniors choose to add this important part of health coverage to their plans. In fact, out of the 60 million American Medicare beneficiaries, 43 million were also enrolled in Part D coverage as of May 2018—showing just how important this part of the program is to seniors’ overall quality of life.It is critical that we keep on top of our Medicare plans to make sure they are working for us and our needs. The fall open enrollment season may seem far away now, but it is right around the corner! Make sure you are checking your coverage options, and stay informed, empowered, and independent!


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