Happy Birthday Medicare!

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Amendments of 1965, officially creating what we now call Medicare. Now celebrating its 53rd birthday, Medicare has helped seniors across the nation to better afford the care and medications they need.In honor of Medicare’s birthday, Seniors Speak Out wanted to provide a brief overview of Medicare’s four parts for those who may be unfamiliar with the program or may be preparing to sign up for Medicare for the first time this year. Below you’ll find a brief explanation of each part, as well as a handy graphic that you can keep on hand for reference. You can also learn more by clicking the links to Medicare.gov’s web pages on each of the four parts.Medicare Part A: Part A was created as part of the original Medicare law and helps provide a variety of services, including hospital stays, hospice care, and nursing home care.Medicare Part B: Part B was also created as part of the original Medicare law and covers outpatient services like doctor visits, ambulance services, and mental health services as well as preventative services like vaccines.Medicare Part C: Also called “Medicare Advantage Plans,” Part C is coverage offered by Medicare-approved private companies. Advantage Plans cover all your original Medicare services, but can also extend to prescriptions, dental, vision, and other types of coverage.Medicare Part D: Part D is the newest part of Medicare and covers prescription drug medications. To receive Part D coverage, you must opt in for a plan when you turn 65 by using one of these two options.With each part covering such important aspects of care, it’s clear that Medicare is instrumental in helping seniors acquire the medical services they need without being overburdened by costs. As we celebrate another year of this important program, we’d love to hear how Medicare has helped you! Feel free to reach out to us over Facebook and Twitter to share your Medicare story!


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