Happy 4th of July!

This week we celebrate America’s independence, and all of us here at Seniors Speak Out want to wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July surrounded by friends and family.Wednesday marks 242 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States. Since then, our nation has grown into a land where anyone can achieve their dreams and be free to pursue a life of liberty and happiness.Whether you celebrate by marching in a parade, watching a fireworks show, attending a family gathering, barbequing outside to enjoy the weather, or any other number of ways to honor the red, white, and blue, we encourage you to take a moment and appreciate the opportunities our great nation affords us each and every day. It is our shared history and American ideals that make this country special, and it is important we never forget the sacrifices other have made for that to be possible.How do you plan to spend your Independence Day? Whatever you’re up to, we’d love to hear about your holiday on Facebook and Twitter.


Make sure your summer is full of fun with these tips!


June is Cataract Awareness Month!