A Memorial Day Reflection

veterans day For many people in America, Memorial Day signifies the beginning of summer. While this celebrated day can coincide with the opening of one’s neighborhood pool or the first family picnic of the season, it is important to remember Memorial Day is something far more important than that.More than 150 years ago, after the Civil War, Major General John Logan proclaimed that the 30th of May would be set aside to commemorate those who had died in battle. Now celebrated on the last Monday of May each year, Memorial Day is a day of quiet remembrance, where we show our gratefulness for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. This Memorial Day, here at Seniors Speak Out, we want to take time to commemorate those who have died while serving in the U.S. military. We greatly appreciate their sacrifices while protecting the essential American freedoms of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”For those families who have lost someone special in defense of our great nation, Memorial Day is especially close to our hearts. We hope that you use this day to commemorate America’s fallen heroes and enjoy the time with loved ones: friends, children, grandchildren, spouses or even neighbors.We would love to hear your memories of those you are remembering today, so feel free to comment on our Facebook page here. As always, we thank you for being a part of our community, and we encourage you take a few moments to remember those who have lost their lives while you enjoy Memorial Day with those you care about the most.


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